15 Dogs Who Are Obviously Mom’s Favorite
Mom claims she doesn't play favorites, but we all know she's lying.
My dog turned 3 (21 in people years) so my mom had a 21st birthday photo shoot i'm dead pic.twitter.com/UuiNQ2x8Md— Emily Kappelmann (@emilykappelmann) 2016. október 3.
My mom dressed up as my dog noooooo pic.twitter.com/ScP43uIL67— Zoë Baumann (@zoebaumann_) 2016. november 1.
Can you tell my mom spoils my dog. She needs an umbrella to go outside #shesmommysprincess pic.twitter.com/mqM2YB7wQV— sammi kramer ∞ (@sammi_kramer14) 2013. május 22.
My mom heard me open the freezer door from downstairs.... the ice cream is for my dog.... my dog..... pic.twitter.com/Wg0G2zJImH— Dak (@Dakota_Alexis) 2016. október 15.
when ur mom likes ur dog more than u so ya gotta sit in the back :-/ pic.twitter.com/oZkvsufJkX— emma (@parssonspants) 2016. augusztus 29.
Sophie is clearly the new favorite child pic.twitter.com/PecyrLkJ54— Syd (@sydneysergis) 2016. szeptember 30.
Glad to know my dog is still the clear favorite child in the house pic.twitter.com/iJMnXmu13K— Megan Finucane (@megfinucane) 2016. szeptember 25.
I told my mom that she spoils my dogs too much and she said no. Really? pic.twitter.com/ktDuIhxeGs— Tres Leches (@melmels97) 2016. március 4.
My dad got my mom a floral arrangement that looks like my dog for Mother's Day!
When your mom's dog has a nicer bed than you. pic.twitter.com/5AEDKBmuIT— ?¿?¿?¿?¿ (@korby43) 2015. július 4.
Meanwhile my mom threw a birthday party for my dog and invited his biological brothers and sisters pic.twitter.com/FN30vHuEja— Molly Gogas (@mollygogas) 2016. november 1.
When your mom tells you she has no favorite child but clearly there's an obvious winner pic.twitter.com/iHevQa452q— Allie Cappiello (@alliecappiello) 2016. november 15.
My mom got my dog his own chair pic.twitter.com/UxIAzOxD8C— kringle kim (@_kimberlyphan_) 2016. október 15.
If you're having a bad day just know my dad replaced my senior picture with a picture of our dog pic.twitter.com/uxX0ESSW2e— Macie Njus (@MNjus) 2016. október 2.
15 Dogs Who Are Obviously Mom’s Favorite
Reviewed by John