They Found 2 Dogs In A Tar Pit Left To Die…Then Something Amazing Happened

Hearing the cries of two puppies in the distance, a team of Airsoft players from Antofagasta, Chile who had geared up to play one afternoon found the puppies stranded in a tar pit, struggling for their lives.

Without a moment of hesitation, they immediately sprang into action to begin rescue efforts. Little did they know they would become heroes that day.

When these Airsoft players went towards some yelping cries, they quickly discovered two puppies that were submerged in a tar pit, distressed and fighting for air.

The puppies had been cruelly tossed in to the tar by some heartless soul. Thinking quickly the people tried to lasso them.

Due to the weight of the tar around their bodies as the people pulled the puppies yelped in pain as their necks were stretched.

They quickly tried to build a bridge using tires to the puppies, however the tar was so thick and sticky that the tires quickly began to sink.
Using long planks one rescuer tries to get under the puppy so maybe he can walk out.

The two small puppies can barely breath; with tar almost above the head of the second one. One of the rescuers leans into the tar with a friend holding him only by his belt. 

Slowly and surely the puppies start to move closer to the edge, and closer to safety. Finally within arms reach the rescuer tries to grab the puppy. But the frightened and panicked dog snaps at him forcing him to drop him back into the tar.

When the puppies are pulled to the shoreline; their fur is covered in thick black tar and it makes them look almost statuesque. One puppy has found his feet at the edge as the the team reach out to rescue the second.

Eventually the second dog is finally rescued from the tar, but it’s not out of the woods yet. Once exposed to air – the tar can dry rapidly leading to extreme health problems.

With time running out; the two helpless puppies were rushed to nearby rescue group “Gatos Abandonados Antofagasta” (Abandoned Cats Antofagasta) to get the rest of the tar off of them.

The tar can cause respiratory and eye issues so it was important to get them cleaned up as quickly as possible.

Here shows the dogs after a long hard battle to clean them up looking in a much better condition.

They Found 2 Dogs In A Tar Pit Left To Die…Then Something Amazing Happened They Found 2 Dogs In A Tar Pit Left To Die…Then Something Amazing Happened Reviewed by John on 6:56 Rating: 5
